The 1% Challenge

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The coming US election is going to be a BIG DEAL. America is driving off a cliff and we are poised to take the rest of life on Earth with us. But if Democrats can take back control of the White House and the Senate, and retain the House, and do so in a landslide, we have a real, once-in-a-lifetime chance to address some of the major problems that are destroying our country: the assault on America’s democratic institutions and principles, wealth inequality, racial injustice, climate change, a counterproductive criminal “justice” system, and insufficient affordable housing, health care, and education. And of course, this pandemic!!!

But we need to win, and win BIG, and that’s only going to happen if everyone contributes. That means YOU!

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If you are struggling financially, then think about giving time. If you are too busy, consider giving money.
Can’t spare either? That’s alright, the most important resource is inspiration. Spread the word!


Please think about donating money to some of the wonderful organizations that are working strategically to help Democrats win this election.

Consider donating 1% of your wealth or income to any of the following organizations: Swing Left, Movement Voter Project, Joe Biden (even better, use my friend Tracy’s Biden fundraiser link) and the DNC/DSCC/DCCC, Black Voters Matter, The Sunrise Movement... or any organization of your choosing.


Please donate your time to Vote Forward’s letter writing campaign to increase voter turnout in swing states. Letter writing is believed to be one of the most effective known tactics to boost turnout. 1% of a day is 14 minutes.

Need extra help? No problem, we will send you the printed letters and as many stamps as you need - just ask: Send requests to


One of the most powerful actions you can take, without using much time or energy, is to share this document with others. There are a lot of Democrats who understand how important this election is, but are not FEELING the urgency. Send this Call to Action to those folks you have meaningful relationship with.

Why you should consider joining the 1% Challenge

Here’s a PDF version of this document that you can download.
It has been formatted for printing onto a 8.5” x 11” sheet of printer paper.

Posted on August 23, 2020 .